GIFTS IN HONOR / MEMORY: To make a gift in honor or memory of a friend or loved one, simply send a check or make a gift through PayPal and let us know in whose name the gift is being made. If there is someone -- for example, a family member -- whom you would like us to notify of your thoughtful generosity, please provide the name and address and we'll send them a note and a copy of our newsletter so they can see how your gift is put to work. We list tribute gifts in our Spring newsletter when we recognize our generous donors.
NAMING A BEQUEST GIFT: Planned gifts of any size make a real difference and it only takes a little time to name us in your will, trust, retirement plan or insurance designation. To direct a bequest, or a portion thereof, the legal name is Crane Mountain Valley Horse Rescue, Inc., a non profit corporation, organized and existing under the laws of New York, with a principal business address of 7556 NYS Route 9N, Westport, NY 12993. Tax ID #75-3117903.
AmazonSmile: When you choose us as your charity while shopping at AmazonSmile, Amazon donates a portion of the proceeds to CMVHR. Choose us at:
Contact us ( or 518-962-8512) to learn about other ways you can help, such as:
* sponsor a horse * volunteer * host a fund-raising event * donate horse products, feed or equipment * donate professional services * consider adopting one of our horses * share this information and web-site with a friend
Wish List
* hay (we feed over 400 bales/month -- about 8 tons) * grain (Blue Seal brand - Trotter, Rider, Sentinal Senior, CarbGuard) * deworming medicine (ivermectin, anthelcide, Strongid daily wormer) * surcingles for training * wood shavings for bedding * electric fencing materials * stain for fencing (we have a specific kind, so give us a holler if you want to fill this wish) * stall mats * ask at least 3 friends to make a donation * an end to horse slaughter, cruelty and abuse (we can ask for that, right?)
For more information, contact Nancy at or 518-962-8512.